Friday, July 27, 2018

Lok Sewa Practice I

1.Which of the following examinations involves the introduction of a radiopaque contrast medium through a uterine canal?
         A.      Retrograde pyelogram                                          B.  voiding cystourethrogram
        C.    Hysterosalpingogram                                            D.  Myelogram

2. Double contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed to better visualize the:
A. position of the organ                                                 B. size and shape of the organ
C. diverticula                                                                 D. gastric or bowel mucosa

3. the body habitus characterized by a long and narrow thoracic cavity and low midline stomach and gallbladder is the :
A. Asthenic         B. hyposthenic                  C. Sthenic            D. hypersthenic

4. the ileocecal valve normally located in which of the following body regions:
A. right iliac                         B. left iliac                    C. right lumber                  D. hypo gastric

5. a procedure used to evaluate biliary and pancreatic pathogenic conditions with an endoscope is
A. USG                   B. MRI                      C. ERCP                    D. IVU

6. Which of the following method is commonly used for radiography of the facial bones?
A. Towne’s view               B. Water’s  view               C. Law’s view       D. Stenver’s view

7. which of the following tissue is most widespread in human body?
A. epithelial          B. connective tissue          C. muscular           D. nervous

8. the membrane which lines the pleura, the pericardium and the peritoneum  is called:
A. synovial            B. mucous             C. serous               D. cell

9. the smooth almost transparent material covering the ends of the long bones:
A. hyaline cartilage          B. fibro cartilage               C. elastic cartilage            D. non of the above

10. Apart from calcium, another important mineral for bone growth to occur is:
A. sodium            B. magnesium C. potassium D. phosphorus

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