Friday, December 13, 2019

Lok Sewa questions Mastoid air cells

Q.  Basic views for mastoid air cells is/are
A.  Townes view
B.  Right lateral oblique
C.  Left lateral obloque
D.  All

Q.  For lateral oblique view of mastoid region, angle of centering beam is
A.  15° cauded
B.  25° cauded
C.  35° cranial
D.  45° cranial

Q.  The Schuller method is done for 
A.  Petromastoid region 
B.  Mandible 
C.  Paranasal sinuses 
D.  Base of skull

Q.  The centering point for mastoid lateral oblique is
A.  Above Gonion
B.  Behind Inion
C.  5 cm above and 2.5 cm behind EAM
D.  Just at glabella

Q.  For Townes view in mastoid region, CP is at 
A.  Midway between EAM
D.  Above glabella

Q.  What is seen within foramen magnum in Townes view? 
A.  Dorsum Sella 
B.  Petrous ridge
C.  EAM 
D.  Nasal spine

Loksewa questions

Q. Waters view is done for
A.  Sagittal sinus
B.  Frontal sinus
C. Maxillary sinus
D. Mastoid air cells

Q.  For maxillary and solenoid sinuses, which view is done.?
A.  Waters View closed mouth
B.  Waters view open mouth 
C.  Caldwell view
D.  Townes view

Q.  Caldwell view is done for 
A.  Frontal sinus
B.  Maxillary sinus
C.  All sinuses
D.  Sphenoid sinus

Q.  In lateral skull view  for sinus, 
A.  Maxillary and ethmoid sinuses seen
B.  Sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses seen
C. Both A and B
D.  Only skull is seen

Q.  What is the basic view for frontal sinus X-ray? 
A.  Caldwell view
B. Waters view
C.  Townes view
D.  Haas method

Q.  What is the centering point for waters view? 
A.  Nasion
B.  Glabellla
C. Acanthion
D.  Symphysis menti 

Q.  What is the centering point for Caldwell view? 
A.  Nasion
B.  Glabellla
C. Acanthion
D.  Symphysis menti

Q.  What is the centering point for skull lateral view for sinuses? 
A.  Upper Outer canthus 
B.  2.5 inch above outer canthus 
C. 5 cm  below  Acanthion
D.  Symphysis menti

Lok Sewa questions

Q. Which view is done for IAM in petrous bone? 
A.  May method 
B.  Stenvers view 
C.  Waters view
D.  Caldwell view

Q.  Stenvers view is done for 
A.  Mastoid air cells
B.  Internal Auditory Meatus 
C.  Optical foramina 
D.  Foramen magnum 

Q. For X-ray examination of petrous bone,  centering point is at
A.  Nasion
B.  Midway between EAM and Inion
C.  Midway between both EAM
D.  Glabella

Lines and landmarks of skull

1. The superior most point in the median sagittal plane of the body is called is
A. Nasion 
B.  Gonion 
C.  Vertex
D.  Gnathion 

2. The point in frontal bone just above the nasion is
A.  Gonion 
B.  Inion 
C.  Glabella 
D.  Menti 

3. Gnathion is the part of 
A.  Frontal bone 
B.  Maxilla 
C.  Mandible 
D.  Occipital bone

4. EOP (External occipital protuberence)  is also called
A.  Gonion
B.  Inon
C.  Gnathion
D.  Acanthion

5. The point at angle of mandible called
A.  Inon
B.  Gonion
C.  Glabella
D.  Bregma

6. Nasion is the point at which
A.  Nasal and frontal bones meet
B.  Nasal and lacrimal bones meet
C.  Frontal and maxilla meet
D.  Both nasal bones depart 

Lok sewa questions

Q.  Which of the following lines joins the orbit and EAM?
a.  Orbitomeatal line
b.  Glabello-alveolar line
c.  Acanthiomeatal line
d.  Mentomeatal line